Friday, May 31, 2019

Personal Narrative- September Eleventh :: Terrorism Terror

Personal Narrative- September EleventhNo one knows what tomorrow will bring or whitethorn not bring. In the course of the past year, this idea was extremely prevalent. Because of the September tragedy, many good deal were uneasy and unnerved nigh daily situations. This concern caused people to look at things in a new, almost wish well an enlightenment initiator. September the eleventh is a day I will always come back not only for the obvious reason, but for the important way it affected my feelings towards my family. How could anyone forget the day America was attacked? I remember driving to school on the day of the attack. The Texan breeze brushed fallen leaves across the roadway as I pulled into my high school parking lot. It was a day like any other, or so I thought. During my startle period class, I was supposed to play my solo and ensemble piece for one of the band directors so they could help me. As I sat in the office and played a concerto by Mozart on the Frenc h horn, the band director listening to me got a cell phone peal. I stopped playing so she could answer the phone call. It was the other band directors wife reporting the attack. The first feeling that came to me was unbelief, but as I walked around the school and saw teachers with their TVs stationed to news channels I saw the horrific pictures.I later found out that some of my relatives were in the World Trade Center Towers that day. No one knew if they were all right. My family eventually got a phone call reporting that they had gotten out o.k. Another family member was affected by the attack. My dad, who is in the Air force, received a notice and was re-stationed to Minot, North Dakota. He was there for about a year and a half. He may be shipping out soon to go to the Middle East. With everything that had happened, there is no way that the attacks could not have affected me.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Database Development :: essays research papers

Network UpgradeIn order to resolve interlocking related worrys The Airframe Corporation (TAC) has decided to upgrade the existing net income consisting of a mix of Token Ring and shred Ethernet hubs to a switched Ethernet network. The purpose of this paper is to discuss several aspects of the abide plan for the upgrade. This discussion will be made in threes sections. Section one will include interpret definition, while section two will deal with work breakdown anatomical structure and estimated schedules, and section three will cover costing and risk analysis. The bulge definition will include a background and statement of need, project objectives, the tutelage and goals or the project, the project approach, the project organization, and a task responsibility matrix. The work breakown structure (WBS) will consist of a WBS chart, a task function and critical path, a project schedule, and project reporting. The costing and risk analysis will contain a cost plan, a project ba seline, performance measures, project evaluation and reporting, and project termination.Background and Statement of NeedThe project team has identified several issues with the current network infrastructure. The first is the availability and cost of keepsake ring hardware. Ethernet is the dominant network topology and is included on many devices at no cost. Equipment with token ring interfaces can be found notwithstanding are much more expensive. Another problem is that the current hardware is about 10 years old and is experiencing increased maintenance costs. Another problem is that the majority of the existing cable plant does not meet minimal category 5 standards.Project ObjectivesThe project has been budgeted $200,000 for cable installation, labor and hardware and the timeframe for the project should not exceed six months. The network upgrade should be designed to support the companies needs for a minimum of seven years without major rework. The project will need to have minim al impact on the network operations, as a result much of the work will need to be accomplished after-hours or on weekends. Mission and Goals of ProjectThe goals of the project areIncrease network availability to 99.999%. achieve project within budget.Complete project on time.Upgrade category 3 cable plant to category 5e or better.Project ApproachThe project manager will entrap a team of individuals with the appropriate skills. Network engineering will design and build the network. A cable vendor will be selected by network engineering. Platform engineering will upgrade clients and desktops. Networking engineering will be responsible for selecting an equipment vendor, designing the network, locating a cable vendor, and identifying cable runs that need to be replaced.

Cooking as a Social Function Essay -- Women Economics Culture Essays

Cooking as a Social FunctionIn Women and Economics, Charlotte Perkins Gilman directly addressed the notion of school divided along sexual lines. Her analysis, however, refutes the juvenile idea that the sexual divisions of labor ar driven by a comparative advantage to working in the household or in the market. In spite of some overtones of biological essentialism in her argument, in the form of the abundant nature metaphors, Gilman ultimately proposed a society where the household work and the market are indistinguishable from one another. Though it is a small part of her argument in the text, Gilmans discussion of prep as womans work encompasses much of the complexity and the essence of her arguments.Gilman, though she did not term it as such, addressed the idea of comparative advantages in the household rather directly. The main defense for the subjection of women, which is commonly advanced, is the alleged advantage to motherhood resultant from her extreme specialization to the uses of maternity under this condition (Gilman 169). She countered this argument by first rejecting it on the ground that the advantage to motherhood cannot be proved and secondly by arguing that it is not maternal tasks that women are subjected to, but rather the uses of sex-indulgence (169). This idea of sex-indulgence is the load of her argument as she sees household tasks as inherently conflated with men and womens sexual relationships. In considering the issue of our division of labor on sex-lines, Gilman focused on the complexities involved with the preparation and serving of food (225). Once the notion that women are somehow inherently better at making food than men, the idea of women cooking in the ho... ...still has some choice in selecting the particular establishment to live in, it removes much of the onus of responsibility off of the woman and onto the living establishment. While Gilmans vision of what she saw as coming to pass in the near future has not y et arrived, her arguments are still operating against contemporary notions of women in the household. Modern microeconomic models of household production still rely on the idea that women are somehow biologically fitted to the preparation and serving of food and the removal of dirt, and the nutritive and execrative processes (Gilman 225). As a result, her arguments seem striking over a century since they were written.ReferencesGilman, C. (1998). Women and Economics A Study of the Economic Relation Between hands and Women as a Factor in Social Evolution. Berkeley University of California Press.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

A Good Man is Hard to Find Essay -- Literary Analysis, Flannery OConn

A brilliant storyteller during the mid-twentieth century, Flannery OConnor wrote intriguing tales of morality, ethics and religion. A Southern writer, she wrote in the Southern Gothic style, cataloging thirty-two short stories the most well known being A Good Man is Hard to Find.bloody shame Flannery OConnor was born on March 25, 1925, in Savannah, Georgia. Raised in her mothers family home in Milledgeville, Georgia, she was the only child of Regina Cline and Edward Francis OConnor, Jr. Although little is known active Mrs. OConnors earlier childhood, in Melissa Simpsons biography on OConnor, Simpson states that OConnor attended St. Vincents Grammar School in Savannah where she would rarely play with the other children and spent most her time discipline by herself. After fifth, grade, OConnor transferred to Sacred Heart Grammar School for Girls some say the reason for the transfer was that it was a more honored school than the former. She later enrolled in Peabody High School in 19 38, entered an accelerated program at Georgia State Collge for Women in the summer of 1942, and in 1946 she was accepted into the Iowa Writers Workshop at the University of Iowa (4 Simpson). tally to American Decades, OConnor earned her masters degree from the University of Iowa with six short-stories that were published in the periodical Accent (n pg Baughman).After college, OConnors writing career continued. During her brief career as a writer, OConnor contracted lupus in which she ultimately died. In Short Stories for Students, Kathleen Wilson states that while OConnor was writing her first novel Wise Blood, which she started while attending the prestigious Yaddo writers colony, she suffered her first attack of lupus, a chronic, ... ...Grandmother (OConnor 179). The Grandmothers deviousness and immorality is evident in the beginning of the story. While reading the newspaper article about the Misfit, the Grandmother brings it to Baileys attention. In Short Story Criticism, Mary Jane Schenck writes For Bailey, the newspaper story is not important or meaningful, and for the Grandmother it does not represent a real threat but is part of a ploy to get her own way (Schenck 220). A Good Man is Hard to Find begins with an devoid road trip, however, due to coercion by the Grandmother it soon turns into a fatal nightmare. In Short Story Criticism, Martha Stephens writes it is true that in a fruitless sense everything that happens is the Grandmothers fault She continues with It is in the conscious of the Grandmother that we continue to experience the action of the story (Stephens 196).

Islam and Gender Equality in Turkey Essay -- Islam

Unlike its other Islamic neighbors, Turkey abolished Sharia law and became a secular nation in the 1920s. As a result, women in Turkey had rights and freedoms not enjoyed by women in both other predominantly Islamic country (Arat 870). The first president of the newly transformed country was named Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, who wore western-style clothing. though Turkey was secular, it was not democratic, as one party ruled (Arat 870). By the 1950s things began to change again as Turkey transitioned to a multi-party system and the Islamists began to grounds more loudly and publicly for the right to practice their faith in public (Arat 871). Turkey has attempted to move toward a two party, more European type of system, or as one article terms it Blairism in reference to former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, since the 1990s (Coar & zman 234). that its history and predominant Islamist religious tradition is always present as a backdrop, exerting an influence, which has ebbed and flow ed over the years. Because of its history and religious background, Turkey, which sits literally, figuratively, and philosophically, like a bridge amid Europe and the Middle East, has something of a dual personality. In particular, unlike many of its European neighbors, the voices of women face more of a struggle to be heard in the political cacophony. Turkey is in a unique position of straddling the West and the Middle East, and its cultural pendulum has swung wildly between the two disparate cultures. At any given moment, a significant number of women in Turkey are in the position of feeling as if their rights are being curtailed, whether the country is in a more secular or Islamic phase. As detailed in the articles examined, when Turkey is se... ...other nations with two very divergent cultural traditions in new-fangled years. The gulf between the Republican and Democratic parties in the US or even the different world views of evangelical Christians as opposed to those who pra ctice mainstream or even no religion in the US looks much smaller when compared with the diversity between the two politically dominant cultures in Turkey. Works CitedArat, Yesim. Religion, politics and Gender Equality in Turkey implications of a democratic paradox? Third World Quarterly 31.6 (2010) 869-884. Print.Turam, Berna. Turkish Women Divided by Politics. International womens liberationist Journal of Politics 10.4 (2008) 475-494. Print.Coar, Simten, and Aylin zman. Representation Problems of Social Democracy in Turkey. Journal of Third World Studies 25.1 (2008) 233-252. SocINDEX with Full Text. Web. 14 Nov. 2011.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Marianne Boruchs Year in Hawaii :: Marianne Boruch Year Hawaii Essays

Marianne Boruchs Year in HawaiiIn her poem, Year In Hawaii, Marianne Boruch effectively portrays the feeling of an endless, motionless setting. This lyric poem attempts to transcend time by working with timelessness. The key lines to the poem take place at the very beginning, The oceanic takes so ache/to think about. Immediately the reader is met with mixed sensations of timelessness as well as restlessness. Theres a dreamy, sluggish feel to her wording. Using the ocean is perfect for evoking this, as looking out at the water, Distance stops one sees the endless line/of something. So much empty space peal out and out until it meets the sky. Boruch goes on to make her stance even clearer, I was a toad/there, a river thing that got lost. She places herself as a small, tiny wolf that has no grasp of how big its surroundings are. After setting the mood in this tropical haven, Boruch makes a point to explain, I never had a stack/about the place. I never thought this/is the beg inning of the world. Boruch lets the reader know this is not a dream world, this is not something that can be conjured up in the mind and cradled whenever desired. Her time in Hawaii is something that she could have never imagined. This helps the flow of the poem, as she then depicts how easily pleased humans are. Youve seen/the postcards. People buy them thought process/everything worthwhile comes/through a camera lens, and they put them/in a pocket or down the dark throat/of a mailbox somebody later opens/with a key. Finding themselves in this unimaginable tropical island, humans try to capture the unexplainable on a piece of paper and capture it home to their safe comforts. Going back to the running theme of restlessness, Boruch portrays the human desire to be able to see the beauty of this landscape and the resulting unawareness of how impossible it is. Amazed, they get there and think it is a material thing, believing that a simple postcard will do justice to their paradise. Even though she seems to be depicting a paradise mind, Boruch immediately switches over to an everyday mind. She describes the natives, wanting just to live there, thank you,/going off to work and coming back, convening/things. Its as though the natives bring the poem back into time again, while the tourists had been stuck in timelessness.

Marianne Boruchs Year in Hawaii :: Marianne Boruch Year Hawaii Essays

Marianne Boruchs Year in HawaiiIn her poem, Year In Hawaii, Marianne Boruch effectively portrays the feeling of an endless, motionless setting. This lyric poem attempts to transcend time by working with timelessness. The key lines to the poem take place at the in truth beginning, The ocean takes so long/to think about. Immediately the reader is met with mixed sensations of timelessness as well as restlessness. Theres a dreamy, marshy feel to her wording. Using the ocean is perfect for evoking this, as looking out at the water, Distance stops one sees the endless line/of something. So untold empty space rolling out and out until it meets the sky. Boruch goes on to make her stance even clearer, I was a toad/there, a river thing that got lost. She places herself as a small, tiny creature that has no grasp of how big its surroundings are. After setting the mood in this tropical haven, Boruch makes a point to explain, I never had a vision/about the place. I never thought this/is t he beginning of the world. Boruch lets the reader know this is not a dream world, this is not something that trick be conjured up in the mind and cradled whenever desired. Her time in Hawaii is something that she could have never imagined. This helps the flow of the poem, as she then depicts how easily pleased earth are. Youve seen/the postcards. People buy them thinking/everything worthwhile comes/through a camera lens, and they put them/in a pocket or down the dark pharynx/of a mailbox someone later opens/with a key. Finding themselves in this unimaginable tropical island, humans try to capture the unexplainable on a piece of paper and bring it home to their safe comforts. Going back to the running theme of restlessness, Boruch portrays the human desire to be able to see the bag of this landscape and the resulting unawareness of how unattainable it is. Amazed, they get there and think it is a material thing, believing that a simple postcard will do justness to their paradise. Even though she seems to be depicting a paradise mind, Boruch immediately switches over to an everyday mind. She describes the natives, wanting just to live there, thank you,/going strike to work and coming back, normal/things. Its as though the natives bring the poem back into time again, while the tourists had been stuck in timelessness.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Family Business Essay

Family line of blood line ar businesses that are created from their founding fathers of that era, if may evolve from small businesses into big enterprises. Family business is playing a very burning(prenominal) occasion in the economy of Malaysia the reason is that more than half of the Gross Domestic Product of Malaysia is from the family businesses that are conducted in Malaysia. For example The Genting group and The Berjaya group are two of the most famous family businesses that are conducted in Malaysia. The following are the issues and challenges that are faced by family businesses in Malaysia. The head start challenge and issue that affects family businesses in Malaysia is succession planning which is choosing the next successor for the business after the current successor retires or passed away. Choosing a successor is one of the biggest challenges and is often faced by family businesses in Malaysia. Choosing a successor is hard because there are many factors that need t o be considered before delegating him or her to be the successor of the family business. The first factor is of course the capability of the potential successor, to see whether he or she is up to standard andable to handle the responsibility that is about to be passed onto to see whether they narrow down for the position.The second factor is that the potential successor must have certain amount of knowledge about the business and must know every part of operation of the business in details. The potential successor must also have very entire management skills and have a good descent with everyone bear on in the business in order to have smoother process when sharing business ideas. The second challenge and issue that affects the family businesses in Malaysia is family disputes which is the accordance between family outgrowths and also within the business. The reason why it is one of the challenges and issues is because some of the family members or people involved in the busine ss are always grabby of each other, or they are angry because of the decisions made which they are unfair, which willing then results in political issues happening in the business which can greatly affect the outcome of the business, and sometimes it may be serious until it can tear down the whole business.So that is why it is very hard to forbear the family and business at harmony all the time. However, if they are able to do so, it will help improve the communications between family members and also people involved in the business so that they can share out their feelings and the conflicts more openly so that the conflict can be solved in a way that will benefit the family and the business. The third challenge and issue that affects the family businesses in Malaysia is professionalism which is capability of keeping the family business up and running for a languish term.This is a very hard challenge for all the family businesses out there in Malaysia because it has many factors to look at in order to keep the family business in one piece, because family businesses often faced with conflicts between one another sometimes because of the informal business structure, like there are no roles given officially which then allows everyone can step into each other territory in the business structure which is also known as invading others personal workspace. The other reason is because of the non-systematic work which is caused by bad operation carry which can greatly impact the operation of the family business. However, if management is in good control and the organizational structure is complete and the objective and goals is the same and shared by everyone, the efficiency of the family business will sure improve a lot. lag training can also improve the professionalism of the family business.The fourth challenge and issue that affects the family businesses in Malaysia is leadership which is basically the compass for the direction of the family business. It is ve ry hard for family business to have good leadership because it involves leading, involving, and also motivating the people in the family business so that they share the same goal. So, if the leader of the family business is strong, then the outlook of the business to succeed will surely be very high. The first thing is that the good leader must have the stamina and the passion to lead. in any event that, the leader must have a wide knowledge of the economy and also the industry itself so that he or she can direct a most beneficial way for the family business to approach and also giving a sense of common purpose. Lastly, the leader must have power to control the people in the family business and tell them what is the plan and what they need to do. The last challenge and issue that affects the family businesses in Malaysia is fair compensation which also includes fair discussion to the people involved in the family business.The reason why this is a common issue in family business is because that the family members always tend to treat their own family member better and they also make bias decision most of the time. The most common problem is the payment and the salary of the people in family business. People who are the family member often get better pay which then the other people will feel cheated and mistreated at the same time. Then they will feel alienated by the family members of the family business, which will then greatly affect the earning capability of the business. Although there are quite some challenges and issues faced by family business in Malaysia, but if those family businesses can overcome the challenges and issues that are stated above, then their family business will surely be stable and run for a long time.Reference List1. http// http// 3. http// 4. http/ / 5. http//

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Narrative Argument About Education Religion Essay

Considering the gift of computers Bill Gates bestowed upon libraries for students, Im sure his intentions were for the students to excel and keep abreast of the ever changing military man of technology, not to replace reading with surfing the web. I agree with Judith Levine when she stated, Its important for students to read books, magazines, newspapers, history, poetry, politics and listen to people who know what theyre lecture about. nurture books and other literature acquirees students the past, present and future, not tho for things happening in the world today but facts about things past. Dating myself, I moot back to the days of the sixties and seventies when reading was fundamental to education. Literacy was important and the only choice we had was to read a book because there were no computers. Teachers took us to the library weekly, and we were required to check out at least one book and read it. There was also time set aside during partitioning for us to stand up and read a portion of your book aloud. Most of our books had no pictures to stimulate the imagination, so you felt a sense of skill when the book was finished.Teachers took education very serious, and they knew reading was essential to be successful in life therefore, they made sure we took it serious as well. When we read a story for a writing assignment, our first resource was the encyclopedia, which was neatly stacked inside the bookcase in almost every home. There were no short cuts to obtaining information. Reading is more empowering than one-click learning you develop increased discernibility and slender thinking skills. estimators are a great tool. I use one every day for my online college courses and I know how important it is to question everything I retrieve on the internet. Computers, however, have made students slackand lazy. From a very young age children have true the attitude of not liking to read and with computers supplying all the answers for them, they dont have to. As I sit and look at my unemployed computer screen, and time is ticking away until my essay is due, I read my story once again. I also head for the web, but only to stir up ideas and something to assist me with my starting point. Nothing takes the place of old fashioned reading.I know my subject is education and my story is talking about computers, so I google education using computers. One site Using Technology Ways to use Computers/ catches my eye, but after accessing the site I curtly find this is not the site or the data thats going to help me prepare a creditable paper. So I reread my story and the instructions, put my critical thinking cap on and choose not to one stop shop for my assignment. I begin writing everything I can think of and soon the ideas surface. This is unlike unpractised users, like our children and grandchildren, who rely heavily on data they retrieve from the internet without considering how much weight the site is going to hold, and what kind of job the data will present to their readers who may feel they did not provide enough information about the topic. Our students have become accustom to presenting data effectuate on the web as fact, giving no thought to how bias the information might be.Some even portray the data as their own, without substantiating its validity. Parents need to share some of the responsibility, because we are not teaching our children the difference between working hard and hardly working. From a Biblical perspective Deuteronomy 6 4-9 states Hear, O Israel The Lord our God, the Lord is one You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as f rontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates. This command from God explains why education is important, and why it is our responsibility as parents to educate our children, both academic and Biblically.My eighty-three year old Uncle Mike was a prime example of why getting an education is important. He only had about an eighth grade education and virtually no Biblicalknowledge. Because of his limitations, he was never able to make a decent living end-to-end his life. He also had no knowledge of who God was and expressed no desire to be saved. His soul was doomed to hell however, I never gave up on Uncle Mike. I knew it was Gods will that everyone be saved, and on July 28th, 2013, his eyes were opened, and his heart soften as he accepted Jesus delivery boy as his Lord and Savior two days before he passed away. In conclusion, computer use has caused us to no longer read books or utilize our critical thinking skills. Our students h ave become slack and lazy and collect unreliable data to present as facts. We must guide and teach them how to surf the web and to become better readers, which in turn, will make them better writers.ReferencesLevine, J, I Surf, Therefore I Am, in To the Point, Reading and piece Short Arguments, 2nd, 222-224. Pearson Education, Inc. 2009 MacArthur Study Bible NKJV (1997) Word Publishing, a division of Thomas Nelson Inc.Narrative Argument about Education Thesis/OutlineTopic Education and ComputersThesis Statement The everyday use of computers has caused us to become slack and lazy. We no longer read or utilize our critical thinking skills. The inexperienced user collects unreliable data, and presents them as fact. OutlineI. IntroductionReading vs ComputersII. Body ParagraphsA. Author argumentB. Education ImportanceC. Alternative to ComputersD. Biblical Perspective.ConclusionComputer use has caused us to no longer read or utilize of criticalthinking skills.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Macbeth Outline

Outline 1. Introduction A. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth with their differences in gender and the fact that they switch roles in the play. B. Thesis statement In the play Macbeth, the two characters Lady Macbeth and Macbeth show how they believe in gender and how these thoughts are performed in their actions. As the situation becomes more severe they begin to fall into each others shoes and become what they had wanted to avoid. 2. Shakespeares view on gender and Lady Macbeth and Macbeth A. disk operating system the personality of the character of Lady Macbeth and Macbeth and gender in the play.B. The importance of gender between Lady Macbeth and Macbeth in the play and how they affect each other and slip them to switch their personalities and views 3. Lady Macbeth as a whole character A. Lady Macbeth from the starting of the play to the end. B. The changes that take limit with her throughout the play and how they are important. evidence the differences between the 1st Act and the 5t h Act and how she has become what she was trying to avoid. 4. Macbeth as a whole character A. Macbeth from the starting of the play to the endB. The changes that take place with him throughout the play and how they are important. State the differences between the 1st Act and the 5th Act and how he has become what he was trying to avoid. 5. Changes with Lady Macbeth and Macbeth A. State what these changes are throughout the play (include quotes and actions) B. The importance of these changes and how they affect both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth differently. 6. Conclusion A. Lady Macbeth and Macbeths role and what they are trying to pursue in the play.

Thursday, May 23, 2019


Legumes Chickpea(C frapper arietinum) An annual Asian plant in the pea family, widely cultivated for the victual seeds in its short inflated pods. A lucubrate yellowish aliment seed, widely utilise as a pulse. Also calledgarbanzo. There are devil types of chickpeas desi and kabuli. Desi contains smaller, darker seeds and have more of a rough coat. Kabuli is a larger, lighter colored noodle with a smoother coat. Uses * Chickpeas are an important food plant in India, Africa, and Central and South America. * They are the main instalment of hummus, a sauce originating in the Middle East. In southern Europe, chickpeas are a common ingredient in soups, salads, and stews. * A kind of meal or flour is alike made from chickpeas. Snap peas(Pisum sativumvar. macrocarpon) A cultivated pea that has edible usually round pods easily snapped like beans and that is classified with the snow pea as a variety (Pisum sativum macrocarpon) also called sugar snap pea. This is pea plant producing peas having crisp move edible pods USES Raw * The pod can be left whole and served with your favorite dip. The peas can be removed from the pod. Puree the raw peas in a food processor or blender and fold the puree into your favorite dip. * Snap the whole pea pod into 1-inch pieces and add to saladsvegetable, macaroni, chicken, etc. Cooked * Use quite of snow peas in oriental dishes. * In stews or soups, add whole or in pieces, 2 minutes before servingjust hanker enough to pepperiness thoroughly. * Stir-fry as you would any vegetable. Azuki Bean(Vigna angularissyn. Phaseolus angularis)The azuki bean, also known asadzukioraduki is an annual bushy leguminous vine plant widely bountiful throughoutEast Asiaand theHimalayasfor its small (approximately 5mm)beans which are used as food and to produce a flour. Thecultivarsmost familiar inNortheast Asiahave a uniform red color. However, dust coat, black, gray and variously mottled varieties are also known. USES * InEast Asian cuisine, the az uki bean is commonly eaten sweetened. In particular, it is often stewed with sugar, resulting in red bean paste (an), a very common ingredient in all of these cuisines.It is also common to add flavoring to the bean paste, such as chestnut. * In Japan, rice with azuki beans ( sekihan) is traditionally cooked for auspicious occasions. Azuki beans are also used to produceamanatto, and as a democratic flavour ofice cream. * On October 20, 2009,PepsiJapan released an azuki-flavored Pepsi product. * In Gujarat, India, they are known aschori. Ornamental plants Zebra Plant (Aphelandra squarrosa) a Brazilian herb with leaves striped green and yellowish white that is widely cultivated as a foliage plant.This plant is often used as ahouse plant. This plant likes lots of light, but not direct. It does not bloom often, but it can be encouraged to bloom by prolonged daily exposure to light. USES Indoor and outdoor decoration for houses and others. rose wine (Rosa berberifolia) They form a group of plants that can be erect shrubs, climbing or trailing with stems that are often armed with sharpprickles. They have pinnate leaves and showy flowers having five petals in the wild state but being often double or partly double under cultivation.Flowers vary in size and shape and are usually large and showy, in colours ranging from white through yellows and reds. * Majority of roses are used to decorate gardens as easy as for various ornamental purposes. * Roses have diuretic effects as they contain Vitamin C, pectin, malic and citric acids. * It has a medicinal effect that cools the body by removing toxins and heat from the body. * Roses are also used all over the world for culinary purposes especially on desserts. * It is also widely used for preparing cosmetics, perfumes, hand lotions, creams, to rose infixed oil and rose water.Glossy Abelia (Abelia x grandiflora) Any of several shrubs that have clusters of small white or pink flowers belong to the belong to the genus Abelia , of the honeysuckle family. Abelias are populargardenshrubs. The most widely grown is the hybridAbelia x grandiflora. This is a rounded, spreading, multi-stemmed shrub with gracefully arching branches to 1-1. 8 m tall, with ovate, glossy, dark green semi-evergreen leaves to 26cm long, and clusters of white-tinged-pink, bell-shaped flowers to 2cm long. USESGardening and ornamental purposes. Latex and Resins Chico (Manilkara zapota) Large tropical American evergreen yielding chicle gum and edible harvest-feast sometimes placed in genus Achras. The sapodilla is an attractive upright, slow-growing, long-lived evergreen tree. Distinctly pyramidal when young, with age the tree may develops a flush that is dense and rounded or sometimes open and somewhat irregular in shape. USES Because of the tannin content, young fruits are boiled and the decoction taken to stop diarrhea.An infusion of the young fruits and the flowers is drunk to relieve pulmonary complaints. The crushed seeds have a diuretic action and are claimed to expel bladder and kidney stones. The latex is used in the tropics as a crude filling for tooth cavities. A paste of the seeds is applied on stings and bites from venomous animals. The latex can also be used as rubber. Papaya (Carica-papaya) Large palmlike plant (Carica papaya family Caricaceae), cultivated throughout the tropics and warm subtropics, and its succulent juicy fruit.An evergreen, usually dioecious, tropical American treehaving a crown of palmately divided leaves with pinnate lobes and large yellow edible fruit. USES * A popular breakfast fruit in galore(postnominal) countries, it is also used in salads, pies, sherbets, juices, and confections. * The juice of the unripe fruit contain an enzyme that is useful in various remedies for indigestion and in meat tenderizers. * Latex is salt away in the fruit of the papaya tree. T he latex is collected after scoring the neck of the fruit, where it may either dry on the fruit or drip into a c ontainer. Aleppo Pine (Pinus halepensis)A pine (Pinus halepensis) of southern Europe and the Levant that is of graceful habit, has usually two leaves in each persistent sheath, and yields a wood that is much used for shipbuilding. It is native to the Mediterranean area, and is planted as an ornamental and is a source of turpentine. USES * The resin of the Aleppo Pine is used to flavor the Hellenic wineretsina. * ThePinus halepensisis widely planted for timber in its native area, being one of the most important trees inforestryin Algeria and Morocco. * This tree is also used as an ornamental tree which is extensively planted in gardens, parks, and private and agency landscapes.