Thursday, December 26, 2019

Annotated Bibliography of Articles Related to Media Literacy

Boske, C., and McCormack, S. (2011). Building an understanding of the role of media literacy for Latino/a high school students. High School Journal 94(4), pp. 167-186. In a qualitative study of a small group of Latino/a high school students, the researchers found that students perceived negative cultural messages in media they were asked to watch. The messages were not obvious to the teachers who selected the media and who were not part of this ethnic group. The study serves as a cautionary tale for teachers when selecting media for their classrooms and suggests strategies for making more mindful choices. According to the Center for Media Literacy, there are three core concepts to critically examine construction/selection of media: Different people experience the same media message differently; media have embedded values and points of view; [and] most media messages are organized to gain profit and/or power (Boske and McCormack, 2011, p. 168). Considine, D., Horton, J., and Moorman, G. (2009). Teaching and reading the millennial generation through media literacy. Journal of Adolescent Adult Literacy 52(6), pp. 471-481. Technology has transformed the way people produce, disseminate, and receive information. As the authors explain, the new technology also challenges our definition of what it means to be literate. Whereas text was once available only as a print medium, the concept of text has evolved to include the Internet, film and television. Children whoShow MoreRelatedWhat I Learned At The English 110 Essay1125 Words   |  5 PagesDetmering gave me a good idea that I could use in my counter argument. Which was talking about reasons why some professions can t accept people with tattoos because it ll affect their overall performance if they were in the server service or something related to that. 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Novice researchers tend to approach the literature review as nothing more than a collection of summaries of papers or an elaborated annotated bibliography of multiple research manuscripts (Webster Watson, 2002). A meaningful literature review is much more. Hart (1998) defined the literature review as â€Å"the use of ideas in the literature to justify the particular approach to the topic, the selectionRead MoreMastering Graduate Studies 1e32499 Words   |  130 PagesResearch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Information and Digital Literacy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Getting Started. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Essay about Healthy Food is Better Than Junk Food - 852 Words

Your complete name Instructor’s name Course name Date Healthy food is better than junk food We are living in an age of MacDonald, KFC and star bucks where it becomes too hard to resist the tantalizing offers of pizzas, burgers, French fries and other appealing stuff these food chains have to offer. The healthier alternatives of food, such as fresh fruits, vegetables, lean meat and whole grains are too unappealing to ignite such a craving and finally preference for eating. However, increasing obesity among teens, heart problems, eating disorders and new researches call for our attention. The paper discusses healthy and junk food choices, their impact on human body and mind in addition to some animal researches and concludes that†¦show more content†¦More than 4000 artificial additives in junk food range from preservatives, artificial colors, sweeteners and chemically changed fake fats. Additives are not tested properly that can have adverse effects on human health. FDA received numerous complaints for NutraSweet alone (â€Å"Health foods†). Junk food is prepared by the raw food obtained from farms that is subjected to unhealthy farm practices, such as heavy pesticides, growth hormones and other antibiotic feedings. These factors make foods toxic in comparison with the healthy organic food. Human body has to utilize vital energy and nutrients in order to get rid of such toxic materials (â€Å"Health Foods†). Junk is a slang word attributed to a form of high-fat, processed and empty calorie food that fills the stomach and leaves little space for healthy diet while keeps you chewing and nibbling in a routinely manner. It causes obesity, heart issues and cholesterol problems to name a few. According to a report by CPSI, an average American puts on twenty-one pounds every year by salty snakes, for instance, potato/corn chips, pretzels, tortilla, pop-corns and nuts (Nutrition Action Health qtd. in Bijlefeld Zoumbaris 56). Junk food is may be an addiction as a study on rats published online in Nature Neuroscience edition of March 28.The study finds that rats kept on junk food not only gained hugeShow MoreRelatedTime to Junk Junk Food656 Words   |  3 PagesIts time to junk junk food Tired, crabby, or unfocused in class? Perhaps it’s the food you are eating. The excessive intake of junk food and the lack of healthy food has recently become a serious problem among people. There are many reasons to get rid out of junk food and replace it by a good healthy diet. Although many people believe that junk food is more tasty than healthy ones and provide the body with energy, it contributes in obesity and leads to addiction. FastRead MoreShould Junk Food Be Taxed More?1738 Words   |  7 PagesShould Junk Food be taxed more to discourage consumption? Junk Food should be taxed more for reasons such as Obesity, Diabetes, and High Blood Pressure, etc. These health risks are linked to the consumption of Junk Food, which is consumed every day by many Americans. â€Å"10 percent tax would reduce consumption of soda by 8 to 10 percent.† Even though some people believe that Junk Food Tax won’t curb the many diseases linked to it, Junk Food Taxes could decrease the risks of diseases, limit consumptionRead MoreObesity : Healthy Food And Junk Food1296 Words   |  6 Pagesbut it really teaches you to take care of your body and organs .to exercise /to workout your body to eat healthy foods and only limit on unhealthy foods.And that s the reason i want to be a chef a.k.a a â€Å" cook â€Å" all kinds of great foods on earth . For a long time, there has been a clash between healthy food and junk food. And when it comes to choosing between healthy food and junk food, junk food usually wins that competition. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables can help reduce your risk of a varietyRead MoreJunk Food and Obesity1649 Words   |  7 PagesJunk Food and Obesity Junk food has become a controversial topic in society today, simply because of its role in obesity. People believe that cutting junk food completely out of your diet is the only solution to living a healthier lifestyle, but for many that seems nearly impossible. Junk food has an addictive quality to it that makes it so appealing. Companies design the flavors so that it is the right amount to be appetizing, but leaves the person eating it craving more. It is also more convenientRead MoreEssay on Why Junk Food Should Be Taxed741 Words   |  3 Pages07/24/12 Junk Food should be Taxed Who has not eaten junk food at least once? I did it, and to me, as to many Americans, the junk food is the most delicious type of food. However, I know it is the unhealthiest food and the main cause of obesity in the United States. On the other hand, the U.S. government feels that is important to intervene in junk food lover’s lives to help them to improve their health and their food choices. In order to combat the obesity and other health problems that junk foodRead MoreJunk Food Should Be Taxed At A High Price856 Words   |  4 Pagestaxes on junk food to regulate the amount of junk food individuals buy. Many individuals believe that junk food should be taxed at a high price and that healthy foods should be cheaper. The selections, â€Å"Evolution’s Sweet Tooth† by Daniel E. Lieberman and â€Å"Bad Food? Tax It, and Subsidize Vegetables† by Mark Bittman, discuss the fact that many adults consume large amounts of unhealthy food products and that adults should eat more of healthy foods. The article, â€Å"Addiction to Unhealthy Foods Shouldn’tRead MoreJunk Food Should Be Mandatory For School Schools1354 Words   |  6 Pagestrue idea of its value until we lose it (Josh Billings, 1865). A healthy lifestyle is dependent on the choices of an individual s diet. Junk food will fulfill the desire of one for a short period of time. However, a healthy and maintained body will fulfill the need throughout one s entire life. Therefore, is maintaining an unhealthy diet full of sugar and life-threatening junk the perceptive decision? As perceived, healthy food habits are not something that should be averted, thinking it is pettyRead MoreJunk Food Ban in Schools Essay722 Words   |  3 PagesAt the moment there is a restriction on junk food in schools for example vending machines in your school have changed from chocolate bars and crisps to nutri-grain bars and drinks. Junk food is not served as frequently and you may feel disappoint ed about this. I think the ban is a good thing since statistics show by the middle of the century, 2050, two-thirds of children will be overweight or obese if nothing is done. I wouldn’t like to be one of the people in those two-thirds and neither wouldRead MoreThe Government Should Put Regulations On Junk Foods Essay1648 Words   |  7 PagesAmericans eat junk foods non-stop and in unhealthy copious amounts. American citizens should care about this as a whole because people are getting thicker and nothing is being done about it. People should especially be worried about this issue in big cities where lives are so busy that nobody seems to have time to sit down and have a decent meal, instead they turn to junk food. This is a quick growing problem that keeps getting worse and worse because lives just get busier, junk food is becoming cheaperRead MoreTo Encourage Healthy Eating, Higher Taxes Should Be Imposed on Soft Drinks and Junk Food. Do You Agree or Disagree.613 Words   |  3 PagesTo encourage healthy eating, higher taxes should be imposed on soft drinks and junk food. Do you agree or disagree. Nowadays is getting more and more important to stay fit and healthy. There are a lot of negotiations about how to prevent junk food market. One of many possible solutions could be to impose higher taxes on soft drinks and junk food, what could encourage healthy eating. Although, from first sight, it can look like a good solution, but in this essay I am going to prove, that high

Monday, December 9, 2019

Some Innovation In Their Running Shoes †Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Some Innovation In Their Running Shoes? Answer: Introducation Among all the business strategies, the innovation strategy is one of the pivotal as innovation gives a product a special touch by which the customers get attracted. Like every other strategies innovation strategy makes its room in every new sources. Here, the article named Every Real Innovation Has a Touch of Magic in It, published on 11th September, 2017 on Forbes talks about the innovation strategy of a product ( According to the article, any innovation on an existing product is compared with magic trick as innovation is done not only for the benefit of the customers but also, to attract the emotional level. The news article is highly focused on the running shoe. The Brand Asics has incorporated some innovation in their running shoes. This innovation made their product more bouncy and light. These added qualities definitely make the customers feel happy during running. Some customers find everyday running monotonous so this Asics shoe might help to reduce the monotony of running ( This thing only can happen when customers feel the product light, comfortable and bouncy. In the article, the writer lauded the product in a way, which is emotional. The shoe instigates its customer to run a little extra mile than the previous day. It is obvious that innovation strategy somehow controls the human psychology, which is why innovation strategy is considered as magic trick. Every strategy has a life span, which means innovation is not strong enough or if it is not unique, it cannot sustain in the market for a very long time. The Asics shoe somehow managed to grab the emotion of the customers. If a customer feels energetic wearing it then there is a chance of sustainability ( The article remarked the product not as its technical name, which is Asics Nimbus Gel, but with a poetic touch like an enchantment of innovation. The effect of this product in the market will be striking, as the insight behind the innovation is pervasive. The innovation might be technical but the product grabbed the emotion. Every day running is something directly related to someones health and indirectly controls the mind. If the someone fit healthy automatically the person`s mind become healthy and joyful. The product like running shoe have that power to regulate one`s mind. The brand Asics hit the right stroke and did a breakthrough innovation (Carlborg et al.). This product might pose a challenge to the other brands that also produce running shoes. The new product of Asics is able to draw a large number of customers, as the shoe not only deals with the physical activities. The running shoe works as inspiration to the sports man and encourages them to run faster. This thing can be witnessed if someone notice the customer`s facial expression in the stores when the customer try out a product. Asics`s new product is providing innovative quality with same price range with other brands so it definitely affect the sales of the other brands at large (Boons, Frank, and Florian Ldeke-Freund). The product made by Asics is expected to remain in the market for a long term because of its technical innovation but pose a threat to the other company in terms of sales but it would be able to attract the loyal customers of other brand. The news article focuses on a particular strategy of the business, which is innovation strategy. The innovation strategy implies that a development in technology and services. Innovation strategy is applied to bring a new product in the market to break the monotony of the market and to uplift the sales (George et al). Innovation is a marketing strategy, which helps to bring ground-breaking product in the market. The innovation depends on the insight, which can regulate human emotion. This insight is implemented to give Midas touch to a product, which can effect on human psychology. Here in the article the running shoe of the Asics did some ice breaking innovation and exactly followed the theory of innovation strategy of business. According to the business history, innovation strategy helped the market grow gradually. For example there was only MP3 player before Apple`s iPod and iPhone. The bringing of iPhone was indeed a ground-breaking innovation as it is able to satisfy the custome r beyond the speed and technicality. The innovation strategy is the most happening event in today`s market. Without innovation, no brand can sustain for very long. The reason behind frequent innovation is the competition in the market. The technical researcher experiments on a regular interval to bring something new in the market to break the monotony of the existing product (Baden-Fuller, Charles, and Stefan Haefliger). Innovation uplifts the sales of the company as it helps to break the market saturation. The prediction can be made about the situation is after Asics the other brand will follow the same path to add some more innovation to their running shoes which at the will appear beneficial to the customers as well as strengthen the market. References Baden-Fuller, Charles, and Stefan Haefliger. "Business models and technological innovation."Long range planning46, no. 6 (2013): 419-426. Boons, Frank, and Florian Ldeke-Freund. "Business models for sustainable innovation: state-of-the-art and steps towards a research agenda."Journal of Cleaner Production45 (2013): 9-19. Carlborg, Per, Daniel Kindstrm, and Christian Kowalkowski. "The evolution of service innovation research: a critical review and synthesis."The Service Industries Journal34, no. 5 (2014): 373-398. (2017).Forbes Welcome. [online] Available at: [Accessed 12 Sep. 2017]. George, Gerard, Anita M. McGahan, and Jaideep Prabhu. "Innovation for inclusive growth: Towards a theoretical framework and a research agenda."Journal of management studies49, no. 4 (2012): 661-683. Pisano, Gary P. "You need an innovation strategy."Harvard Business Review93, no. 6 (2015): 44-54.

Monday, December 2, 2019

The Symbolism Of Young Goodman Brown Essays - Young Goodman Brown

The Symbolism Of Young Goodman Brown ?The Symbolism of Young Goodman Brown? Nathaniel Hawthorne is a nineteenth-century American writer of the Romantic Movement. Hawthorne was born is Salem, Massachusetts, and this is the place he used as the setting for some of his works: such as ?The Scarlett Letter?, ?the Blithedale Romance? and ?Young Goodman Brown?. In writing, Hawthorne was known for his use of allegory and symbolism, which made his stories a joy for everyone to read. Hawthorne was said to be the first American writer who was conscious of the failure of modern man to realize his full capacity for moral growth. His stories contain much about the life he knew as a child being brought up in a Puritan society. As Hawthorne's writing continued it was filled with the same amount of sin and evil as his first writings. Evil that was revealed through his works. ?Young Goodman Brown? was said to be one of the best stories ever written by Hawthorne (Adams70). ?The Marble Faun: and ?the Scarlett Letter were some of the other stories written by Hawthorne, and they were said to be ?Young Goodman Brown? grown older. In this selection there is a question of maturity for Goodman Brown and whether he is good or evil. There is also a transition from childishness to adolescence to maturity. This short story in particular has a feeling of adultery, betrayal, and deception as in some of his other works. It was said by Richard P. Adams that ?young Goodman Brown? was a germ for nearly all his best work that followed (Adams 71). The use of symbolism in ?young Goodman Brown? shows that evil is everywhere, which becomes evident in the conclusion of this short story. Hawthorne's works are filled with symbolic elements and allegorical elements. ?Young Goodman Brown? deals mostly with conventional allegorical elements, such as Young Goodman Brown and Faith. In writing his short stories or novels he based their depiction of sin on the fact that he feels like his father and grandfather committed great sins. There are two main characters in this short story, Faith and Young Goodman Brown. ?Young Goodman Brown is everyman seventeenth-century New England the title as usual giving the clue. He is the son of the Old Adam, and recently wedded to Faith. We must note that every word is significant in the opening sentence: ?Young Goodman Brown came forth at sunset into the street of Sale, Village; but put his head back, after crossing the threshold, to exchange a parting kiss with his young w2ife. ?She begs him to ?put off his journey until sunrise,' but he declares he cannot?. [It] should not escape us that she tries to stop him because she is a similar compulsion to go on a journey' herself-?She talks dreams, too, ?Young Goodman Brown reflects as he leaves her. The journey each must take alone, in dread, at night, is the journey away form home and the community from conscious, everyday social life, to the wilderness where the hidden self satisfies or forces us to realize its subconscious fears and prompting in sleep. We take that journey with him into the awful forest. Noti ng the difference between the town and the forest. We see Hawthorne using the Puritan association of trees and animals. When Young Goodman associates returns to Salem Village, his eyes are opened to the true nature of his fellowmen, that is human nature; he inescapably knows that what he suspected of himself is true of all men? Hawthorne has made a dramatic poem of the Calvinist experience in New England. The unfailing tact with which the experience is evoked subjectively in the more impressive concrete terms, is a subordinate proof of genius. I should prefer to stress the wonderful I control of local and total rhythm, which never falters of stackers, and rises from the quest but impressive opening to its poetic climax in the superb and moving finale. Hawthorne has imaginatively recreated for the reader that Calvinist sense of sin, that theory did in actuality shape the early social and spiritual history of New England. But in Hawthorne by a wonderful feat of translation, it has no religious significance; it is as a psychological